
Monday, December 06, 2004

Best blogs - and Chrenkoff 

John Hawkins at Right Wing News has just announced the results of a bloggers' poll to find out the winners of the Third Annual Warblogger Awards for 2004. Lots of good winners and runners-up in many different categories - make sure to check out what almost fifty bloggers (including Chrenkoff) thought were the best amongst our ranks.

Thanks to all the people voting for my blog in the Wizbang Blog Awards - I don't have much chance of catching up to Tim Blair in the Best Australian/New Zealand blog category - still, you can vote more than once - in fact you can vote once every 24 hours, and there's still a few days to go before the poll closes. So, as they say - vote early and vote often.

Also, if you have some spare change, support the Spirit of America through the Blogger Challenge link on top of the side-bar. Think of it as your Christmas gift for Iraq.

And, lastly, congratulations to a reader from Toronto, Canada, who was the 888,888th visitor to Chrenkoff earlier today.


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